Happy New Year!
So, last night was all about partying like it was 1999 or something like that, right? and what does that partying entail? well, I don't know what you did at your NYE party, but at the one I was at, beer, drinks and wine were flowing, the noms were tasty and 2 lovely people became affianced to one another. (did i use that word correctly? i'll have to research it)
I, like so many other people, have a list of things I would like to see accomplished by myself in the coming year. I refuse to call them my "New Year's Resolutions" (see the post I made exactly one year ago today) - New Year's Resolutions are made to be broken. I am trying to think of them as promises to myself.
So, what are these promises and why am I telling all of the interwebz about them? Well, they are things I want to do in order to make me happier, healthier and wiser. What I want to get out of posting about it is a sense of accountability. I find that if I am not held accountable, then I will not be successful.
The thing you will probably see me posting about the most is diet and exercise - if i'm not physically sound I have no foundation on which to build my mind and spirit. I have joined together with some friends of mine to form an accountability group - but because we live all over the city and have very different schedules, we're going to do it primarily through facebook and probably text. In addition to that group, I have decided that I needed to use this poor neglected blog of mine...I think that it will be a fantastic tool for me to meet my goals for 2010.
In a similar vein, I have also joined The New Year's Mindful Menus Challenge started by Jenna on her blog, Chive Talkin'. I really hate menu planning, and honestly I really suck at it - i think it's because I get so overwhelmed by trying to plan out so far ahead and try to keep things interesting. I know, however, that menu planning is a great way to ensure to always have healthy meals and follow a budget - therefore I have joined the challenge. Thanks for putting out there, Jenna! (for those interested, I will be posting my menu plans here - so keep me accountable!)
I will continue to write about topics other than just health and fitness - you'll see posts about my trying to get baccantes, my jewelry biz, up and running, as well as house & home, organization, education - all of those things I promise in the little banner at the top of the screen. Well, sort of. I will not be writing about ADHD here anymore - I will be the KC ADHD Examiner for examiner.com! I'll be writing little articles for that website, but I will post links to them here, too, so you won't miss anything. ;-)
I didn't intend to write such a long post - more of a "hey!! I'm still here knocking about - look for me around more often" kind of thing, so apologies for its general lack of order and cohesiveness.
I look forward to writing more frequently (my goal is 3x week)and to reading your comments!!
A Festival of Feline Funnies to Celebrate Fur Baby Furiday
45 minutes ago
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