
Mindful Menu Plan: 3 Jan 10 - 9 Jan 10

I'm a little slow in the posting of my menu for Jenna's Mindful Menu Challenge she's hosting over on her site Chive Talkin' - but here it is nonetheless.

Sunday: Taco Salad - light on the taco, heavy on the salad. (93% lean burger)

Monday: Meatloaf (rest of pkg 93% lean burger). I don't like leftover meatloaf overly much, so I will probably leave it all for hubby and have baked potato and salad instead.

Tuesday: baked acorn squash and salad.

Wednesday: soup from the freezer! from scratch: Chicken Noodle or Potato.

Thursday: Simple Pasta - plain tomato sauce with whole wheat penne. with salad of course.

Friday: Salmon, rice and salad.

Saturday: Probably dinner with my family for baby bro's birthday


  1. Dani - Yeah!!! I think you did an awesome job at this menu plan... acorn squash was on our menu this week! Love that you have homemade soup in freezer ready for use at a moment's notice. Thanks for joining in Mindful Menus - love having you! BTW you may want to add name and URL as a comment option.

  2. Jenna - Thanks! :-) I need to go back to blog-school - I'm having some technical blog difficulties as far as style and design! I'll keep working on it though! :-)


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